Spring Wellness

These last cold weeks of winter on the mountain bring expectation of spring, when the winter qualities of cold and dry transition to cool and wet.

Ice begins to melt, releasing a slow trickling down the mountain. Mother Earth thaws to a more fluid state, reflected in muddy trails and the sap beginning to flow deep in the trees. Our bodies follow suite with their runny noses and sluggish constitutions.  We needed the heavier foods to sustain us through the long haul of winter, but now they make our bodies and minds sticky and stagnant. Mirroring the mountain streams that quicken their pace, we also need to get moving to clear the body’s fluid pathways. It’s time to stoke the digestive fire and flush the lymphatic system in preparation for spring.

To be in harmony with this season, invigorate and stay warm.  Celebrate the sunrise or early morning with aerobic exercise. Move a little more vigorously than is comfortable, without being aggressive with yourself.

Eat lite, warming meals that use less oil and dairy, and include more cleansing greens like arugula and mustard greens. Cook creatively with brightly-colored spices, chilies, or peppers. And sip a cup of warm tea between meals.

Be heart-centered and moderate in your approach… you don’t have to change everything overnight! Even one minor change, done regularly, will access Ayurveda’s potency.


Spring Cleanse

In ayurveda, often, we eat to cleanse. Cleansing is about moving toxins out of the body and the best way to do that is to eat and drink foods that support healthy flushing of the organs. In the spring, we want to support cleansing the lymph, blood and the liver. 

Healthy digestion is one key to healthy cleansing. Think of your digestion like a fire; you need fuel to keep the fire going strong and to fully digest. For many people, not eating for days in a row can result in a low digestive fire and sluggish lymph and blood. A smarter way to cleanse, is to eat less of the heavy, rich foods but tend to the digestive fire with some cleansing roots, greens and citrus. Spring is a good time to cut down on heavy fats and proteins, but not to eliminate them. If we have too little fat and protein, the body holds onto everything, including those toxins we want to eliminate. Ghee is a great healthy fat to use in moderation at this time.


Here are a few simple, ancient ways to get your body detoxing in a healthy and safe way:


Sip warm lemon water in the morning and between meals. (Try not to snack between meals)


Eat warm food with spices; if you can handle peppers & chiles, this is the time to use them!


Eat lots of dark, bitter greens like dandelion, arugula, mustard greens and kale. 


Include more beets, pomegranate and grapefruits to your diet. (Eat as much of the pithy parts of the grapefruit as you can handle.)


Self Care

Nourishing Nettle Pesto

Wild Root Soup


Nourishing Nettle Pesto


Planting Guide