Grab a cup of tea
and sit with me awhile.
Kapha Balancing
The Kapha time is when the heavy, cloudy and earthy tendencies dominate our bodies and minds. It is the beginning years of life, the spring time of the year and the morning time from 6-10am.
A Little Ayurveda Goes a Long Way
Feeling overwhelmed? Got chronic pain or digestive issues? Of course we all want a magic pill to immediately cure our ailments. And more so… we want that relief yesterday or sooner.
Yet our quick fix, symptom-chasing mindset perpetuates our wellness dilemma. We frantically chase our own tail hoping to get the finish so we may finally rest or finally grasp a taste of nourishment.
Autumn Wellness
Autumn is the time of rooting; drawing vital energy down and into our center as we transition to winter. It can be a vulnerable time for our bodies and minds. The coolness can feel sharp and drying. This transition kicks up wind, which can be abrupt and irritating, as well as the cold and flu season adding a little stress to our system.
Spring Wellness
These last cold weeks of winter on the mountain bring expectation of spring, when the winter qualities of cold and dry transition to cool and wet. Ice begins to melt, releasing a slow trickling down the mountain. Mother Earth thaws to a more fluid state, reflected in muddy trails and the sap beginning to flow deep in the trees.
Lymphatic Self Care
Simple, DIY routine to support a healthy lymphatic system and radiant skin. The quintessential ritual of self-love.
Winter Wellness
As the North Wind settles on the mountain for a deep, cold winter, we stock the fires of good health. We want to retain our body warmth as a much a possible so our body can use our energy for strong digestion, full circulation and immunity. If we are getting chilled frequently, our energy goes to just keeping us warm instead of these more optimal modes of the body. Take extra care to protect your head and feet; wrap them in wool and keep socks and hats on inside until you feel a little too warm. Focus on keeping warm by boosting digestion and circulation. Drink and eat every thing warmed up and this is the time to enjoy chilies, pepper and spices that all kindle the digestive fire.
Skin Care for Summer
Get out and enjoy the sun, the landscape and majesty of Colorado's beautiful mountain towns with your friends and family. Do so safely by protecting your skin and eating well. We have to be careful year-round and Summer can get us into the habit of adopting skin and diet rituals for optimum health.
Bridging the Gap Between Food + Medicine
For a long time I’ve been interested in having a relationship with the plants that grow in the ground. It started off as wanting to deepen my understanding in relationship to the food that we put into our bodies.
Summer Wellness
Staying vital in the summer is maintained by staying hydrated, cool and rested. The high solar energy can quickly drain our ojas (vitality) and deplete prana (life-force).
Calendula Salve
The beloved Calendula brings bright warmth to our gardens and hearts. It can help with inflamed and irritated skin…
Summer Mind + Body Therapy
Perhaps these 2 have never existed separately but more like 2 fish swimming in tandem, mirroring each other’s every move. This connection is what makes the healing art of bodywork so potent…
Wilderness Attunement : A Scavenger Hunt
Perhaps in gaining our safer, more predictable way of survival we have lost a secret language and sensory communion with the natural world? Let's get curious about what the forest has to tell us.
Spring Mindfulness
Writings on mindfulness to prepare you for spring - Perennial Party & Foremother Meditations by Rita Stucky, and Up-Cycle Ceremonials by Leah DeCapio.