Grab a cup of tea
and sit with me awhile.
Celebrating Easter
Easter Day: The soil is rich; this is a time for renewal and rejuvenation, traditionally celebrated as Easter. Plant your garden seeds and your seeds of intention with much heart.
Spring Moons : 12 Moons
12 Moons follows the year in the lunar cycles. Many cultures across time and geography, especially native land based cultures, have used the moon to mark time, prepare for seasons and recall agricultural practices and wisdom.
Spring Mindfulness
Writings on mindfulness to prepare you for spring - Perennial Party & Foremother Meditations by Rita Stucky, and Up-Cycle Ceremonials by Leah DeCapio.
Artist Feature: Jocelyn Hunter
I am a silversmith and have been creating sterling and gemstone jewelry for the past 20 years. As a professional artist, my creative process has been hijacked by the need to monetize my creations. What’s going to sell?
A Crafted Sense of Nature Spring 2021
Young children have exquisitely receptive senses and soak up information like a sponge. They have not learned to filter their environment and therefore take it all in with amazing accuracy. We know feeding children whole foods is an important part of healthy development. Offering their senses “whole” or natural materials is also important for healthy child development.