Grab a cup of tea
and sit with me awhile.
Pumpkin Soup
This soup is simple, elegant and just the right thing to nourish us as we enter the cooler seasons. We love to serve it inside of scooped out little pumpkins.
Savory + Sweet Galettes
Pumpkin is super healthy but how we often eat it isn’t. It is rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that give extra benefits to the eyes, heart and skin,
Here is a recipe that uses pumpkin from scratch to make a savory and lightly, honey sweetened galette. My brother grows pumpkins for us every year and he love to mix it up. I’m always game to try the different varieties he has grown each autumn. This year we roasted a Candy Roaster Squash but also love to use Hubbard.
A Little Ayurveda Goes a Long Way
Feeling overwhelmed? Got chronic pain or digestive issues? Of course we all want a magic pill to immediately cure our ailments. And more so… we want that relief yesterday or sooner.
Yet our quick fix, symptom-chasing mindset perpetuates our wellness dilemma. We frantically chase our own tail hoping to get the finish so we may finally rest or finally grasp a taste of nourishment.
Autumn: Harvest Moon
The fullness, warmth and body of the growing season culminates with the Autumn Harvest. We gather, stock and store the high-density, nutrient-packed foods. The grains, corn, wheat, rice and rye, symbolize sustenance and a longevity of food security for the long winter ahead.
Golden Masala Pepper Sauce
Some days, I’m not excited about cooking an elaborate meal. Or, I just can’t find the time before everyone in my family is hangry. One of my favorite solutions for this, is to have a variety of delicious, homemade sauces on hand. They can be dipped with bread or crackers, spread over simple steamed veggies or baked with a chicken breast. They are easy and add a bright, fresh pop to our meals on the fly.
Autumn Wellness
Autumn is the time of rooting; drawing vital energy down and into our center as we transition to winter. It can be a vulnerable time for our bodies and minds. The coolness can feel sharp and drying. This transition kicks up wind, which can be abrupt and irritating, as well as the cold and flu season adding a little stress to our system.
Herbs + Recipes for Autumn
is a warming tonic herb, circulatory stimulant and a digestive carminative. Cinnamon is an antioxidant, anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal so it assists in the transition period to a colder season and fights off infections that may arise in the cooler temperatures.
Sweet Earth Roasted Carrots
We love to grow our own carrots; it’s simple and easy. No matter how many times we harvest, the kids always get surprised to see an orange, purple or golden carrot emerge from the dirt. Fresh, home-grown carrots have a vastly different aroma and taste than the bulk bags we can buy from the store. They have an earthy, aromatic smell with a much crisper and sweeter bite. Truly, this is one of the simplest yet most elegant recipes that feels like a celebration of Autumn.
Postpartum Sacred Window
The sweet, challenging and fleeting 40 days after a women gives birth is referred to in Ayurveda as the Sacred Window. It is a potent and vulnerable time as the maiden metamorphoses into mother and the fetus into baby. This is a sacred transition, where parents often feel their heart bursting with more love than ever before.
Family Summer Solstice
Family play for the longest day of Father Sun! This is an interactive game and art project we use to celebrate the solstice as a family. The children transform from a hungry caterpillar to a flourishing butterfly seeking nectar from the flowers in the meadow.
Mint Chocolate Popsicles
These fresh, cooling and sweet popsicles are a family hit and are made with ingredients I feel really good about feeding to my children. My family loves mint chocolate chip ice cream and dairy is not always the best for everyones GI tract. These dairy-free and sugar-free popsicles will hit the sweet spot without taking a toll on your wellness.
Summer Meatballs with Yogurt Sauce
Cool Bija Spice Blend is specifically formulated for summer. It utilizes the cooling and nourishing aspects of seeds and herbs. It gently supports digestion while cleansing and cooling the body down. Cooking with these spices is balancing for everyone needing a soothing retreat or tending toward inflammation.
Summer: Mead Moon
As the carousel of summer abundance twirls, the Mead Moon is in bloom. The flowers are bursting and the nectar of Mother Earth is gathered by her creatures. The pollinators are busy stocking up.